Running Actions

To run all of your outstanding actions, execute the actions artisan command:

php artisan actions

Action call order is checked by filename without path:

2022_10_14_000001_test1      # 1
2022_10_14_000004_test4      # 4
bar/2022_10_14_000003_test3  # 3
foo/2022_10_14_000002_test2  # 2
2022_10_14_000001_test1      # 1
foo/2022_10_14_000002_test2  # 2
bar/2022_10_14_000003_test3  # 3
2022_10_14_000004_test4      # 4

Isolating Action Execution

If you are deploying your application across multiple servers and running actions as part of your deployment process, you likely do not want two servers attempting to run the database at the same time. To avoid this, you may use the isolated option when invoking the actions command.

When the isolated option is provided, Laravel will acquire an atomic lock using your application's cache driver before attempting to run your actions. All other attempts to run the actions command while that lock is held will not execute; however, the command will still exit with a successful exit status code:

php artisan actions --isolated

Split Launch Option

Sometimes it becomes necessary to launch actions separately, for example, to notify about the successful deployment of a project.

There is a before option for this when calling actions:

php artisan actions --before

When calling the actions command with the before parameter, the script will execute only those actions within which the value of the before parameter is true.

For backwards compatibility, the before parameter is set to true by default, but actions will only be executed if the option is explicitly passed.

use DragonCode\LaravelActions\Action;

return new class extends Action
    protected bool $before = false;

    public function __invoke(): void
        // some code

For example, you need to call actions when deploying an application. Some actions should be run after the actions are deployed, and others after the application is fully launched.

To run, you need to pass the before parameter. For example, when using deployeropen in new window it would look like this:

task('deploy', [
    // ...
    'artisan:actions --before', // here
    'artisan:actions', // here

Thus, when actions is called, all actions whose before parameter is true will be executed, and after that, the remaining tasks will be executed.

Note: If you call the actions command without the before parameter, then all tasks will be executed regardless of the value of the $before attribute inside the action class.

Forcing Actions To Run In Production

Some commands cannot be executed in production without confirmation. These include all commands except actions:status and actions.

Some action operations are destructive, which means they may cause you to lose data. In order to protect you from running these commands against your production database, you will be prompted for confirmation before the commands are executed. To force the commands to run without a prompt, use the --force flag:

php artisan actions:install --force

Execution Every Time

In some cases, you need to call the code every time you deploy the application. For example, to call reindexing.

To do this, override the $once variable in the action file:

use DragonCode\LaravelActions\Action;

return new class extends Action
    protected bool $once = false;

    public function __invoke(): void
        // some code

If the value is $once = false, the up method will be called every time the actions command called.

In this case, information about it will not be written to the actions table and, therefore, the down method will not be called when the rollback command is called.


When using the before parameter to run command, it is recommended to override the value of the $before attribute to false, otherwise this action will be executed twice.

Execution In A Specific Environment

In some cases, it becomes necessary to execute an action in a specific environment. For example production.

For this you can use the $environment parameter:

use DragonCode\LaravelActions\Action;

return new class extends Action
    protected string|array|null $environment = 'production';

    public function __invoke(): void
        // some code

You can also specify multiple environment names:

use DragonCode\LaravelActions\Action;

return new class extends Action
    protected string|array|null $environment = ['testing', 'staging'];

    public function __invoke(): void
        // some code

By default, the action will run in all environments. The same will happen if you specify null or [] as the value.

Execution Excluding Certain Environments

In some cases, it becomes necessary to execute an action excluding certain environments. For example production.

For this you can use the $except_environment parameter:

use DragonCode\LaravelActions\Action;

return new class extends Action
    protected string|array|null $exceptEnvironment = 'production';

    public function __invoke(): void
        // some code

You can also specify multiple environment names:

use DragonCode\LaravelActions\Action;

return new class extends Action
    protected string|array|null $exceptEnvironment = ['testing', 'staging'];

    public function __invoke(): void
        // some code

By default, no actions will be excluded. The same happens if you specify null or [] value.

Database Transactions

In some cases, it becomes necessary to undo previously performed actions in the database. For example, when code execution throws an error. To do this, the code must be wrapped in a transaction.

By setting the $transactions = true parameter, you will ensure that your code is wrapped in a transaction without having to manually call the DB::transaction() method. This will reduce the time it takes to create the action.

use DragonCode\LaravelActions\Action;

return new class extends Action
    protected bool $transactions = true;

    protected int $transactionAttempts = 3;

    public function __invoke(): void
        // some code

Asynchronous Call

In some cases, it becomes necessary to execute actions in an asynchronous manner without delaying the deployment process.

To do this, you need to override the $async property in the action class:

use DragonCode\LaravelActions\Action;

return new class extends Action
    protected bool $async = true;

    public function __invoke(): void
        // some code

In this case, the action file that defines this parameter will run asynchronously using the DragonCode\LaravelActions\Jobs\ActionJob class.

The name of the connection and queue can be changed through the settingsopen in new window.

::: Info We remind you that in this case the queuing systemopen in new window must work in your application.

Using Laravel version 8.37 and above, checking for the uniquenessopen in new window of the execution is supported. :::